Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bonjour :D


My name is Ryan Colburn, as most of you know, and I am currently a sophomore at Whitesboro Highshool in NY. Ever since I started taking french in 7th grade, I have absoultely loved it! I speak french all the time(most of the times my friends would like to hurt me!) and am extremely intrested in the French culture!

So with that said, I have decided to study a semester abroad in France :D The main reason for going is just because I love French; however, I would like to gain the knowledge of how people live around the world.... not just life in New York.

The number on question I have been asked about this whole situation is "WHY?!? WONT YOU MISS YOUR FAMILY!?!?"..... and I have to answer truthfully. I will. I mean come on, I'm like half way across the world for half a year! But, I've been with them living this life for 15 years... and I am sure there will be many many more Christmas', Thanksgivings, Halloweens, etc. that I'll spend with them! It will be hard, but in the end, experiencing Christmas and New Years through a different cultures perspective will be... just amazing!!

...BUT this does come with a cost. My family has come (key word: has come... it has NOT always been this way :] ) to support my decesion to study abroad. But, I can not expect them to pay $9,500+ for me to become multi-cultural (if thats a word :p). So, I now work at Piggy Pats BBQ, (check it out and come one in!) and have been doing various fundraisers! If you have ANY ideas or would like to help, please feel free to leave comments or contact me!

I promise I will keep you guys all up to date pre, during, and post my trip to France

Thank You all SOOO SOOO MUCH for all of your help and support so far.

~Ryan :D

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