Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You dont just eat it.

So, first off I would like to say that France is the land of love, it is the land of cheese, and yes it is the land of wine as well. However, France, by far, is the land of strikes!!! I have already had 5 strikes...two of which the students had created a blocus, and I wasn't able to enter the school. I love this at first. I mean I never had school, and life was good. But now it's just obnoxious. Getting stranded at the train station cause all of the trains and buses are cancelled....Not being able to take the car because the refineries are on strike, so there is NO gas basically everywhere!....sitting outside the school to go to the one class I had, then after 5 hours of waiting, the teacher decides to be on strike...you get the gist :]

BUT on the positive side of France

Everything is going extremely well!! I love it and have made a ton of new friends. I'm not sure when the last time I posted was, so I don't know if I told you that I changed my class from L to S. So now I have a lot more school and its way harder, but I have wayy wayy more friends. Life's pretty chill right now

In regards to the title of my blog, I was talking about bread. The other day my little host brother asked me why I didn't clean my plate and I responded with cause I'm eating...? But then my host-mom responded with "Here, after we eat, you use the bread to clean your plate, but you don't have to"....so they basically use it as a sponge. Thank god I'm not required to...since I hate sauces touching my foods.

I'm going to my first discothèque on friday night....I hope. My friends asked me to go, and theyre going at 12am and we'd come back at 5 or 6 am....Sounds like fun :D I really hope my host-parents will let me, but I'm not really sure. You get my drift.

I start vacation for a week and a half this sat until the 4th of November!!! The month of October as legit FLOWN by. Really too fast..

I'll update again after vacation, so that way you can hear all my fun stories :D

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cow heart...

So, I will start this lovely blog off with the fact that my English currently sucks. Not that is hasn't before...but its worse now :p

Anyways, this week I changed my class!!! I was a premier 2 L, which is a lot of french literature and history that I dont understand. However, now, I am following the Premier 7 S, which is the hardest course you can take :D BUT, I love it because its like 8 hours of math and 8 hours of science a week! And the science here is sooooo funn! In my chemistry class, we mix potions and stuff everyday! Also, in my other science class, similar to biology, we dissect something every week! It is SOO different then my old boring literature track!!

So, today I went to Cora, the french wal*mart...even though they deny the fact that they have huge stores with everything....and bought all of the stuff that I need for my new classes. It was weird getting sized for a lab coat!! While I was there, I happened to run in to my sisters favorite movie ever and had to buy it so I could watch it in French tonight!!! "Ce rêve Bleu" et "Prince Ali" are soo much better en français! well actually, every disney movie is plus mignon en français ^^ (oh and just in case you didn't get it, I bought Aladdin)
So back to Cora. While we were there checking out, I got the nice job of putting the meat in the cart...only to see the fact that we were buying Cow heart and Cow spleen for dinner. YUM.

MAIS, my host mom bought a huge bag of french fries today and "american" steak...cause its different here...and we're having an american lunch today :D Oh yea, and she bought chocolate pudding for dessert hahaha ^^ I always think it's funny what the people here have as stereo types of us Americans. When I try something new, they ask "do you eat this back home" and I say "no we don't have it" and then usually I get the "Do you have hamburgers back at home???" But only if they really knew, our hamburgers are THERE steak. SOO SHHH.

In a grand conclusion to my blog, I need to state something that will make me sound like a hypocrite. I love America. Yes I love France too...A LOT!!! But living in a foreign country makes me appreciate what I have back at home a lot more. The fact that I can drive, the fact that everything is new, the fact that gas isn't $8 a gallon. The list goes on and on! But don't take it the wrong way, cause I really do love the life here. They're just so different, they're incomparable.